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Harnessing the Power of AI: Best Practices for Internal Communications Teams

Harnessing the Power of AI: Best Practices for Internal Communications Teams

About this Webinar

In November 2022, ChatGPT took the world by storm. Since then, AI tools have started impacting how businesses communicate with their internal and external audiences.

In this on-demand webinar, originally held in September 2023, you can catch up on how the IC field was feeling about AI last year—ahead of Mark Dollins' Engage 24' session detailing the results of his second AI survey.

While Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for decades, generative AI tools are new, and they’re changing how businesses communicate with their internal and external audiences.

Some IC professionals are excited about the possibilities that AI brings—like streamlining the way we communicate, making content ideation and development more efficient, and identifying trends and insights to impact future strategy. But others are hesitant about the potential ethical implications of AI—as well as the possibility of it eliminating their roles.

Learn from Mark Dollins, President of North Star Communications Consulting, as he shares what you need to know about leveraging AI for employee communications. You’ll learn:

  • The current landscape that AI presents for employee communicators
  • Specific AI tools, their capabilities, and current challenges
  • How organizations are successfully incorporating AI in their internal comms strategies
  • Tips for adopting generative AI with an eye toward ethics, compliance, values, and ESG strategies
  • Benchmark survey data that illustrates current adoption among professional communicators

Event details

Gradient Calendar

March 19, 2024

11am ET / 3pm GMT


Mark Dollins

Mark Dollins

President of North Star Communications Consulting

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