A global shift is taking place within Human Resources in the area of employee wellness programs – and this guide examines the issues involved.
As far back as the 1970’s organizations were offering some type of wellness initiatives to their workforce. In this second decade of the New Millennium, savvy employers and HR professionals are coming to realize that employee wellness (or well-being) initiatives are increasingly lauded for providing holistic offerings and resources covering everything from financial services to social activities as well.
Organizations are not introducing these programs just because employees ask for them, but because employees need them. And just as critical is the employee communications strategy that will tie wellness to the organization’s business strategy.
It must include communication elements that encourage clear and concise two-way dialogue, outline the desired outcomes, and reinforce key organizational messages. Knowledgeable HR professionals must take the lead to partner with executives to create a strategy that promotes a true wellness culture. We will discuss insights and ideas for these topics and more in this how-to guide.