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Improving Communications, Space Management, and Productivity in the World of Hybrid Work

Improving Communications, Space Management, and Productivity in the World of Hybrid Work

About this Guide

It’s become clear in the last year that the hybrid work model is here to stay. In order to remain competitive and meet employee expectations in today’s world, companies need to create a better workplace experience for all employees— regardless of their physical environment.

To ensure workers understand what’s needed of them, the employee experience needs to be consistent for onsite and remote workers, personalized and relevant for each group of employees.

Focusing on employee experience not only results in an improved customer experience and greater profitability, but it’s also critical for companies to retain employees and remain competitive in the war for talent.

In order to engage your workforce and create a successful employee experience, an effective internal communications strategy is needed.

While flexible communication capabilities have always been important, the need for timely, relevant one-to-many communications capabilities is especially acute today.

No industry was left unimpacted by the pandemic. And the reality is that the way we work will continue to evolve, with many changes to what were once established policies and procedures.

As those changes occur, and businesses adjust accordingly, businesses will increasingly rely on technology to solve communications and space management challenges at scale.

From omnichannel communications technology that reimagines the way businesses approach employee comms through workplace management software built to streamline the desk and room booking process—learn more about the tools that your business can leverage to improve the employee experience for a hybrid workforce.


 Christine Kendall

Christine Kendall

Content Marketing Manager, Poppulo

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