Internal CommunicationsEmployee Comms

Digging into Poppulo’s Internal Comms 2024 Data Goldmine 


 — January 27th, 2025

Digging into Poppulo’s Internal Comms 2024 Data Goldmine 
The best way to get the most accurate read on global employee communication topics and engagement in 2024—which can serve as an indicator of what to expect in 2025—is to dig into Poppulo’s unrivaled data goldmine.

Because our internal comms solutions reach over 50 million employees—more than our primary competitors combined—deep analysis of the 2.2 billion communications that over 4,500 organizations sent in 2024 reveals an absolute treasure trove of information.

That staggering 2.2 billion figure is up 55 million from the previous year, underlining the ever-increasing importance of communications to their organizations. The following infographic gives fascinating details about what were the most communicated topics, what resonated most with employees across different sectors, industry benchmarks, and much more.

Even though there’s a wealth of information here, there’s so much more data that we have at our fingertips, which we’d love to share with you if you want to get in touch with us here.

As we said at the outset, given the volume of fascinating data at our disposal, what we’ve been able to capture in the above infographic is only a taste of what’s available—and we’d love you to get in touch so that we can give you more information that’s relevant to you.

In the meantime, here’s some more interesting insights from our deep dive into the 2024 data.

Send Volume:

  • The volume of comms around talent has also increased by 65.1%, illustrating how companies are putting a heightened focus on retaining their top talent
  • Leadership or wellness is the top communicated theme across all industries except for oil and gas, whose top themes are IT comms, health and safety, and social unrest
  • IT Comms is in the Top 5 for every sector, except for healthcare
  • While health and safety was pretty flat in terms of volume of comms, it still features in the Top 3 most communicated themes for banking and finance, manufacturing, and oil and gas
  • While diversity comms may have dropped from 2023, they still remained in the Top 3 themes for healthcare, technology, professional services, retail, and pharma

Engagement/Click Rates:

  • The business services sector saw a 23% increase in engagement with leadership comms, while oil and gas saw a 4% decrease in engagement
  • Even though the overall trend for wellbeing was down, certain sectors had a significant bounce in engagement with business services seeing a 6.2% increase and technology a 4.7% increase
  • The theme of sustainability saw an increase in engagement across manufacturing (+17.8%) and healthcare (+15.9%) but a drop in banking and finance (22.1%)
  • Health and safety engagement was up across most sectors, with business services, healthcare, and retail showing the biggest increases

Any other questions? Get in touch here.

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