Independent research proves the bottom line value of Poppulo
— July 18th, 2019

A report from Amalgam Insights based on interviews with Poppulo clients shows how the employee communications and engagement market leader provides layers of value throughout organizations, benefitting employees and executives—and the bottom line.
Amalgam Insight’s CEO and Principal Analyst Hyoun Park presented the financial, employee, and executive value created by Poppulo, based on the independent third-party assessment of Poppulo customers, in this webinar.
He revealed findings from the Amalgam Insights’ Business Value Analysis of employee engagement software to help organizations accurately build the case for investments in communications technology.
Poppulo plays a key role in helping organizations implement cohesive, targeted and effective employee communications strategies that result in higher levels of employee engagement and enhanced employee experience.
(This calculator simulates the potential Return On Investment (ROI) available to you by maximizing your employee communications with Poppulo).
Employee value
The Poppulo platform spans Poppulo Email, Poppulo Mobile, and Poppulo Analytics, enabling organizations to plan, target, publish and measure the performance and impact of their communications across multiple digital channels, all in one place.
Poppulo Email provides centralized governance in managing email distribution lists, which are synchronized with Active Directory and HR systems, and are automatically updated, saving significant time and resources.
One client that benefited from Poppulo’s centralized governance is Centrica, a £28 billion European utility that previously struggled with delays in updating mailing lists, with a knock-on adverse impact on various campaigns and outreach activities.
Poppulo’s centralized governance eliminated those delays, saving Centrica valuable time and resources across Internal Communication, Information Technology etc. and freeing time to address higher-value tasks.
Poppulo enables strategic and tactical ROI for employee communications
Simplifying newsletter creation
Amalgam found that another Poppulo client, Encompass Health, used the platform to make tremendous savings in the amount of time it took to complete its quarterly employee newsletter - they were able to complete in three days tasks that had previously taken almost a month. Encompass Health is one of the United States' largest providers of post-acute healthcare services, with over 38,000 employees.
The benefits of analytics
Clients found that Poppulo Analytics - which measures communications performance across multiple digital channels (email, intranet, ESN, video, mobile) - added value to their internal communications campaigns in several ways.
These ranged from analysis of time spent reading company-wide emails and consequently adjusting content for greater impact and employee resonance, to another client analyzing intranet usage and using the data on content popularity and usage to decide what to update and tailor for greater effect.
Clients find Poppulo’s powerful Analytics particularly useful to target relevant content to specific audiences - which is increasingly important given the emphasis employees place on receiving company information that is relevant and of interest to them.
With the performance measurement data provided by Poppulo Analytics, clients can tailor content and send targeted and segmented communications to various audiences based on geographies, business units or departments.
This allowed one client, a healthcare organization, to streamline its emails and cut down on overload —a crucial effort because the client typically sends more than 3.5 million emails per year!
Executive value
Poppulo’s benefits aren’t limited to employees—it also provides invaluable insights to C-level executives. For example, clients use Analytics to measure engagement with company communications and use reach reports to understand which areas of the business are engaging and those that aren’t. With this data, comms can be adjusted and retargeted as necessary to achieve the desired outcomes.
The data from Analytics can also point to the need for increased diversity of content. For example, Centrica found that email readership, measured by the clickthrough rate, increased by 10–15% when the email included a video from the CEO. This finding provided a new strategy as well as validation for the additional time investment in having the CEO record a video.
Financial value
Poppulo provides both direct benefits and productivity benefits to its clients—both of which can increase revenue and reduce costs.
Direct benefits
The effective, targeted, and cohesive communications products that Poppulo provides to clients offers two main direct benefits:
- It fosters a highly engaged business environment, which translates to increased revenue per employee.
- It allows clients to reduce or eliminate licenses from the previous email or marketing automation service, which reduces costs.
Poppulo’s communications campaigns also deliver productivity-related tactical benefits. For example, as mentioned earlier, streamlining communications reduces the design costs associated with creating newsletters and the time needed to update and synchronize mailing lists, while employing Poppulo Analytics improves the effectiveness of cross-channel campaigns and initiatives.
But beyond these benefits, the Poppulo platform frees up internal communicators time, allowing them to concentrate on critical matters such as ensuring the outcomes of their activities are having an impact and achieving the business goals and objectives of the organization.
Significantly, Amalgam Insights found that Poppulo supports clients in offering more relevant, impactful, and engaging communications, while also increasing the company’s bottom line.