Employee Comms

Poppulo mobile app to deliver totally integrated internal communications platform


 — April 18th, 2018

Poppulo mobile app to deliver totally integrated internal communications platform

Poppulo, the world’s leading employee communications software company, will bring a mobile app to market in the next quarter.

The app is at an advanced stage of development and the expansion of the Poppulo platform will allow customers reach all employees, whether they are desk-based office workers, are on the road, or on the shop or factory floor.

The Ultimate Guide to Internal Communications Strategy

It will be available as a standalone product and also as an integration with the broader Poppulo platform.

Poppulo founder and CEO, Andrew O’Shaughnessy, said the app would further underpin the platform’s unique capability for internal communicators as ‘one place to plan, publish and measure communications to all employees, wherever they are, whatever the nature of their work, and however they like to get their company information.

“This is what we are all about at Poppulo, producing products and services to radically transform internal communications and place it at the heart of organizations... dramatically increasing employee engagement to create more connected, aligned and ultimately more successful organizations,” he said.

Poppulo developed the world’s only software specifically for internal communications and followed this with another first, Poppulo Analytics, which enables quick and easy measurement and analysis across multiple digital channels for optimal performance.

Mr O’Shaughnessy made the app launch announcement in London today at Poppulo's 5th Annual Customer Summit.

Over 250 people have registered for what has become one of the main highlights in the employee communications conference calendar.

As usual, it features a wonderful line-up of international internal communication experts and professionals who will share their knowledge and insights.

Susan Elliott and Louise Hodgson of AIB will take those in attendance through a case study on Building Internal Communications from the Ground Up, and the internal communication journey of the bank through the financial crisis.

Ann Melinger and Jackie Berg of Brilliant Ink will hold an Internal Comms Best Practice Session focused on learning through employee audience personas, and how to ensure messaging and communications strategies are tailored to them..

Neil Griffiths of ERM will discuss with Poppulo's Robin O'Sullivan how the environmental resource management organization created a communication strategy aligned to business goals, and how Poppulo's Analytics software enhanced measurement across their digital channels.

Dirk Denoyelle, of Amazings, will reveal Why Lego Isn't Just For Kids - Build Company Pillars and Transform Your IC, while Joe Lees and Chelsea Moore of GSK present a case study on A Targeted, Personal, Collaborative Newsletter That Puts Its Global Audience First.

The Ultimate Guide to Internal Communications Strategy

The Summit, chaired by Rob Shimmin of Shimmin Communications, will also have an IC expert panel Q&A, with Chris Rice of Unilever, Clare Wills of Moorfields Eye Hospital, and Linda Woodcraft of CYBG Plc - and Change Management, Comms & Engagement Consultant Olga Klimanovich will present an IC Best Practice session on 10 Essential Building Blocks to Successful Internal Communications.

The audience at London’s etc.venues will also hear from Poppulo’s Mossy O’Mahony, Stephanie Sheehan, Damien Daly and Mark Foley.

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