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Beyond The Obvious: Why Authentic Leadership Communications Matter

Beyond The Obvious: Why Authentic Leadership Communications Matter

About this Executive Brief

Authentic leadership communications always mattered—to inspire, motivate, and make people feel they share a common purpose and belong. But in a time of widespread uncertainty and diminished trust, they matter more now than ever before.

This guide, based on a Poppulo Engage ‘24 conference fireside chat—with Daniela Rogosic, CEO Communications Leader at IKEA, Felicity Barber, Founder of Thoughtful Communications, and Sharon McIntosh, President of And Then Communications & Coaching—explores examples of ways authentic leadership communications matter and how to help leaders unlock its potential. The compelling conversation between these esteemed leadership communication experts covers:

  • Challenges for Leaders in Communicating Authentically—and How IC can Help
  • Fears of Cancel Culture
  • Being Honest, Transparent, and Owning Problems When Things Go Wrong
  • Do Employees Have Unrealistic Expectations of Leaders?
  • Leadership Bias Towards External Comms
  • Authenticity and Navigating Cultural Nuances
  • The Critical Importance of Storytelling


Tim Vaughan

Tim Vaughan

Editorial Director, Poppulo


Daniela Rogosic

Daniela Rogosic

CEO Communication Leader, IKEA

Sharon McIntosh

Sharon McIntosh

President & Founder of And Then Communications

Felicity Barber

Felicity Barber

Founder, Thoughtful Communications

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