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Planning Templates: How to Determine the Number and Placement of Digital Signs on Your Property

Planning Templates: How to Determine the Number and Placement of Digital Signs on Your Property

About this Guide

Hotels face a variety of unique challenges when it comes to communicating with guests and employees in a safe, effective, and informative way—many of which can be solved with digital signage.

From meeting room signs and readerboards to wayfinding, safety signage, and more, digital signage is an easy and effective way to communicate with everyone on your property, regardless of whether they are an employee or a guest. However, starting a new digital signage project or optimizing an existing network involves a variety of considerations. In addition to defining integration requirements, you also need to determine the number and location of screens, the purpose of those screens, and the content they should display.

As an initial step, mapping out the zones at your property—or properties—that require digital signage and determining the audience and use case for each zone can help you understand how big of a signage network you need. And it can help identify gaps in your current network if you already have signage in place.

While these templates are designed to help you identify potential digital signage use cases and begin to understand the number of endpoints you might need in each zone, our experts in hospitality communications can help you further define and scope your vision to determine what is necessary to reach all guests and employees.


 Christine Kendall

Christine Kendall

Content Marketing Manager, Poppulo

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