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Getting Change Communications Right During Constant Transformation

Getting Change Communications Right During Constant Transformation

About this Executive Brief

The rate of change in organizations has been rising rapidly over the past decade and shows no signs of slowing down, despite two critical factors that impact the chances of any change program being successful: employee change fatigue and decreasing support for more transformation initiatives.

In this landscape, change communications plays a crucial role in shoring up employee support for change programs essential to achieve company goals, while balancing employee needs and having their voices heard by the leadership teams.

This executive brief, based on a Poppulo Engage ‘24 fireside chat between two leading change communication experts— Helen Cunningham, who heads Global Change and Internal Communications at Amadeus, and Joss Mathieson, founder of Change Oasis— explores change management communications in all its manifestations, from process to organizational. The guide covers:

  • Essential tips for change communicators
  • The impact of change on an organization’s people
  • Communications for different types of change programs
  • Ways to help leaders articulate and communicate change priorities


Tim Vaughan

Tim Vaughan

Editorial Director, Poppulo


Helen Cunningham

Helen Cunningham

Head of Global Change & Internal Communications, Amadeus

Joss Mathieson

Joss Mathieson

Chief Encouragement Officer at Change Oasis

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