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The Top Two Challenges of Managing a Hybrid Workforce

The Top Two Challenges of Managing a Hybrid Workforce

About this Whitepaper

Remote work has transformed the workplace. While some organizations are planning for a full return to the office, many companies are adapting their office spaces and work policies to embrace the new world of work—a world that is hybrid, flexible, and puts employees at the center of the workplace experience. But this new world of work comes with a host of new challenges. With today’s workforce distributed between home, the office, and anywhere in between, employee needs—as well as the needs of the business, have changed.

In order to successfully adapt to the new world of work, businesses must be able to create experiences that meet the needs of each employee—but this comes with two primary challenges. First, how can businesses effectively communicate with a distributed, hybrid workforce regardless of where they’re located? And second, how can businesses optimize the office space for hybrid work?

Getting the insight necessary to optimize the office space for in-person work, without overspending on unnecessary office square footage, is critical for the success of your business. But in today’s changing world, it’s equally critical to be able to effectively communicate with a distributed workforce. While seemingly unique challenges, each one impacts your business, and they need to be solved together in order to succeed in the world of hybrid work.

Download this whitepaper to learn how business leaders are addressing communications and space management challenges presented by the new hybrid working model.


 Christine Kendall

Christine Kendall

Content Marketing Manager, Poppulo

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